Backyard Chickens In The Outback

If you ask any of the flock raisers this question, they will provide passionate answers. Here are some popular answers provided by the passionate flock raisers. It is worth noting that raising chicken has become a popular trend in Australia and more people are expected to jump on the bandwagon due to the numerous benefits as outlined below.

1. Wholesome Fresh Eggs

Probably the main reason for investing in a coop and raising backyard flock is food production. When taken care of correctly and fed with nutritionally-complete chicken feed, a hen has the potential to produce 300 eggs each year.

2. Family Education

Many fans also draw attention the positive impact that backyard chickens have on their families. Most parents who raise flocks attest to the fact that their chickens have taught their kids where eggs come from, helps them connect with nature, and helps instill lifelong lessons that revolve around responsibility and dedication.

3. Simple Sustainability

Sustainability is noted as yet another good reason for raising backyard flocks. Many families choose to raise chickens, as it has a positive impact on the environment. Raising chicken in the backyard creates a wonderful synergy with their gardens and lawns.

A chicken raiser, Courtney S., from Adelaide wrote: I have always had the desire to lead a healthier lifestyle, and chicken played a critical role in providing a solution. keeping the flocks has given me an insight into what goes into the meals we consume. I discovered a wonderful connection between the flocks and my garden. The birds fertilize my garden, eat weeds, and effectively control insects.

4. Chicken TV

Chicken TV’ is a phrase that is familiar to the enthusiasts. The process involves watching chickens antics. Many raisers of backyard chickens often share tales of the individual characteristics and personalities of their flocks. While there are commonalities, flock keepers can learn about the distinct personality of every bird. It's fascinating and destressing. 

If you are ready to join the bandwagon, it is important that you invest in a quality chicken coop and enjoy the numerous benefits of keeping chicken in your backyard as outlined.

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